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Amy Towns is an inspirational speaker that brings a message of hope, perseverance, and freedom.
From traumatic physical and spiritual struggles came hope, healing and a new calling: To share God’s truths with others.
Out of her own experiences, Amy encourages others, "God can change you from the inside out, set you free, heal the deepest wounds and restore broken lives...
"Being a child of God is enough and in fact, is everything we need and more."
Amy is a gifted speaker with a message that everyone can relate to. Here’s what one person had to say:

"She connects with the audience on a personal level through her authenticity, humility, and ability to speak directly to the heart of the matter and the hearts of the people. Really, you cannot walk away from Amy’s messages without having been impacted in a profound way." -Amy K

To view a short video of Amy speaking, click here.

For information on having Amy Towns speak for your group or event, contact:
Rock the Flock Productions
(800) 725-4025
E-mail: Info@AmyTowns.com